ZEN Rapé (ha'peh) with Ivan Rados

Deepen your understandings of Ivan Rados' Non-dualistic teachings in an immersive, experiential session. 

This is the first time Hapeh has been used as an ally to Zen teachings to detach from aspects of our mind that are ruling us and preventing us to change and grow.


Join Ivan Rados as he weave his magic to take you from your thinking mind to your knowing heart.

ZEN Rapé (ha'peh) with Ivan Rados 

Next Ceremony Date: TBA

Rapé (pronounced "ha'peh") is an Amazonian plant medicine that is used ceremonially for its cleansing properties. Known colloquially as "shamanic snuff," rapé is made of finely-ground tobacco and other healing ingredients. It is then blown into the nasal cavities using a ceremonial pipe. The effects are felt almost immediately, with common benefits being "total presence" and "clarity of mind."

Due to its detoxifying properties, rapé is often used in conjunction with ayahuasca and other sacred plant medicines. This is a medicine we have introduced to some of our retreats as well, including our annual Wilderness Retreat. In fact, our in-retreat rapé ceremonies have become so popular, that we've decided to bring it to you in a 4-5 hour session.

This 4-5 hour session will remind you of the medicine within your heart through Intronaut Breath guided by Dr. Nick. In that expansive state, Ivan Rados will share with you his middle point non-dualistic teachings, which will penetrate your pineal gland and speak straight to your heart. 

‘Let’s burn our shit with Hapeh medicine.' - Ivan Rados

Many who have joined us for our Magic Witnessing Meditation Ceremonies, as well as one of our retreats ‘Wild Zen’ and ‘Wild Phoenix’, have requested to deepen their relationship with Ivan's teachings.  To meet this need, we created this session, one that invites your consciousness to bear witness to the teachings.  This first session will focus on letting go of regrets, through the teachings, experiential breathing process, and rapé medicine. 

‘The meditation is the beginning and the end of your journey.

What is the magic? Allowing, Accepting and Going Through.

This holy trinity of healing is what letting go means.

Letting go of our illusion of self and reality that self created.

By letting go you are in surrender to the rea, beyond your mind.’

-Ivan Rados

The 4-5 hour session will include:


Intronaut Breath with Dr. Nick

Non Dualistic Teaching - Ivan Rados

Witnessing Meditation with Rapé - Ivan Rados and Hamza Hasan