Looking back at this fantastic weekend, I feel nothing but gratitude to Ivan and Lana.

— Jurek

Ivan Rados Ivan Rados


I don't know how this works. But the difference I feel in my entire being is just unbelievable. I never thought I'd feel this healthy, light , and free, and genuinely excited about living life. It's like all the pain was flushed out from my body. I feel so light, like I got a new body and a new chance at life.

If it for Lana, Ivan, and my own effort and will, I wouldn't be alive today. Just thinking back even to a year and a half ago, how much pain I was in. You all saved a life and I will continue shining until I die at a natural old age.

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Nancy L.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Nancy L.

Ivan, Lana and their angels provide a safe and supportive space for my inner healing. With each journey I have progressively transformed old traumas, wounds and things that doesn’t serve me into joy, deep breathing, expansiveness and feel much more connected to both myself and the world. Ivan and Lana are gentle, wise and compassionate teachers and guides; true givers who generously share their knowledge and lived wisdom in a relatable and actionable way. They are a true gift to humanity.

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— Angella S.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— Angella S.

I was fortunate to join Lana and Ivan for New Years Eve, a journey like no other. From the moment I walked through the door, I was greeted with love and acceptance by my fellow journeyers and glowing angels. It was a delightful evening of sharing knowledge, listening, being heard, togetherness, and pure fun! An aura of freedom and creativity encompassed the room… I find myself giggling at any worries that find their way in. This gift I have received is so special and I will not allow it to escape me. I left the party with simple intentions for the 2023 and forward, no doubt, more love and dance everyday! I hope to spend every New Years Eve this way, with the most beautiful people I have laid eyes on, Lana and Ivan. Thank you to all that shared this most memorable experience, I am eternally grateful.

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 James R.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

James R.

I went into the ceremony ready to change my life and finally clear my body of the trauma that had held me back from realizing my dreams. Ivan and Lana lead with love and compassion, and in so doing earn your trust immediately. They are healers. Ivan worked with me step by step (for hours) to clear my stomach of the trauma stuck there since childhood. Once completed, Lana and Ivan worked with me to see who I truly am inside, and how I can be in my daily life now, the person I was born to be. It was a magical yet very real, concrete experience that I know has transformed my life forever. Where I was angry and bitter, they empowered me to find grace to heal and forgive. Where I was scared and wounded, they enabled me to rediscover strength; and from a position of strength, receive hope and redemption. I would recommend Ivan and Lana in the strongest possible terms.

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Rob Follows
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Rob Follows

I was originally referred to Lana and Ivan by a world-renowned resource when looking for someone who could help our oldest son with some unfortunate early trauma in his life. Lana and Ivan have worked with our son (who is eternally grateful for his opening and clearing) and with my wife and I, who came to this work in support of our son. Our experience were deep insights, heart-opening discoveries, and guided journeys that were powerfully healing and amazingly lightening. In our experience, Lana and Ivan are strong, positive, intuitive, enabling, and inspired guides – that have become close friends of our family – as we are a happier, more open, fun, and functional family due to their deeply appreciated work.

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Zyril izar
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Zyril izar

I am so grateful to Ivan and Lana for the most transformational event of my life. Before the ceremony I was anxious, depressed, ungrateful, dark, and sickly. After the amazing journey, my life completely changed. Everyday I wake up with a heart full of love, grateful for the gift of life, and I can feel my light again. My physical health has improved, and my mind and sprit are positive. For the first time in many years, I feel at peace.

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— Jurek
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— Jurek

It feels like it was the most exquisite spiritual/mystical experience of my entire life. I have experienced a profound sense of unity with all things, a sense of insight into the ultimate nature of reality, overwhelming feelings of love and awe, and deep positive emotions such as joy, peace, and happiness.

I am writing this testimonial several weeks after experiencing the beauty and magic of the event, which is still present in everything I feel, experience and do.I am experiencing positive changes in my attitudes towards life and to the self, as well as increased positive mood, a sense of gratitude and reduced anxiety.

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— N.A.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— N.A.

It was ultimately exactly what I needed. I was able to see how I had been getting in my own way as it related to my heart, emotions and connecting with people and loved ones throughout my life. 

I was able to open my heart and see it for the first time. I experienced love and trust in a way I had never known before. I cried. I laughed, I smiled. Ultimately, I was able to open a new door to create a new beginning through letting go. So grateful for this life-changing experience that will be far-reaching.

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Laura A.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Laura A.

Working with Ivan and Lana over the past few years has been both powerful and transformative. Their thoughtful and expert facilitation has enabled me to see my true purpose with deep clarity, and to live my life with focus, authenticity and grace.

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— Myra G.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— Myra G.

I think it is very important to have the support, interpretation and leadership of an experienced professional when doing this work. Lana is one such highly skilled professional. I felt safe and supported at all times. With Lana's expert guidance along with the love and support from my fellow participants and the Angel volunteers who were always there when needed, this has been an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life.

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Ivan Rados Ivan Rados


Thank you all for the beautiful experience. The two ceremonies I have gone to have changed my life for the better. In a world where career and material wealth seem to be valued more than anything, I have found the strength to laugh at that folly and lead myself down another path. I have no idea what will happen next and I am glad.

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Mackie Snebold
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Mackie Snebold

The ceremony with Lana and Ivan has brought welcomed happiness into my life. Finding that I needed to love myself first in order to bring love into my life and become a more loving person has opened a totally beautiful awakening that I am eagerly learning to embrace. I am forever thankful to my dear daughter who brought me to Lana and Ivan. Their calm manner, warmth and genuine loving kindness allowed me to experience complete trust and acceptance of all aspects of the ceremony. I feel a connectedness with them, myself, and others that is authentic and deeply personal. I can only move forward from here with a sense of oneness with nature and wonderment of life.

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Sheena Witter
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

Sheena Witter

Ivan and Lana hold a clear space and presence and offer their gifts with loving boundaries. Through Ivan's non-dualistic teachings, Lana's beautiful insights into the human heart and psyche and Family Constellation work, the masterfully led medicine journeys and shamanic healing, or just the healing that happens witnessing two people who deeply love and support each other in their gifts and work; it is a balm for the soul and an invitation to step into your highest potential.

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— Luna R.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— Luna R.

When I signed up for the women's retreat, there was no way to know just how profound an experience it would be. What an incredible group of women! Lana conducted our emotional orchestra with such finesse, such compassion, so much love, providing the safest environment for us to share our pain, and then heal so deeply. The idea of a women only retreat wasn't that appealing to me initially, but after what we all went through together, and how much each one brought to the whole process, i'd do it again in a heartbeat. I have such respect for everyone's willingness to dive in so deep and so fast. Thank you to my fellow travellers, to all the angels who worked tirelessly throughout, to the Medicine, and to Lana who created such a beautiful universe for us.

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— keith T.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— keith T.

I was depressed for more than 10 years and doctors let me fall through the cracks. Something had to change. So, my search for a better way of existing brought me to Inronaut. I was nervous before the ceremony, but Ivan and Lana are loving and compassionate beings who were a pleasure to work with. The entire thing was too beautiful for words… and I tend to understate things. Because of this ceremony, I am now on a path to building a strong understanding of my own true nature. They give you the tools you need to engage with life again.

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— scott o.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— scott o.

The Distance Healing session by Zoom with Ivan--my first--was simply lovely and inspiring. The teaching and commentary with Lana and Ivan, before the healing session even began, even just in response to my very short personal introduction, was so heart-filled, intuitive, and helpful that I was already so glad I came to be in their energy, even at a distance, and to share in their deep understanding. And this was all before Ivan appeared to me during the healing meditation itself for a brief, but very smiley and joyous moment! I am looking forward to coming back for more connection with both of them as soon as possible.

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— sean b.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— sean b.

For someone who never talks about my feelings in any way I was extremely nervous, but from the moment I walked in all my fears quickly turned into trust. You do such an amazing job of making us all feel safe, and somehow totally comfortable. I am truly grateful to have been a part of two ceremonies with such a diverse group of people trying to heal for a variety of reasons. Just the stories alone of all my fellow participants were extremely impactful on me. Witnessing the peoples life changing insights after the ceremony, and the courage of them to share, was an incredible feeling.

The work you all do is truly life changing, we are lucky to have such an amazing group of people doing something like this locally in Vancouver.

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Ivan Rados Ivan Rados


Going through the ceremonial journey with Intronaut and the community is one of the most mind-blowing experiences in my life. I knew I was in good hands, and I instantly felt I was being cared for and looked after. It was like I was flowing down a stream of a river, knowing that there’s a family on the banks watching over me while I’m having fun. I experienced a life-changing epiphany after which I felt so much relief. And then, out of nowhere, the sun parted the dark clouds in Vancouver and shined its beams on my face through my window. I felt blessed. And I was able to finally put it to rest and close a chapter in my book. In the aftermath I began to see more and more small changes every day, and I was also able to have a clearer and calmer mind.

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— Megan M.
Ivan Rados Ivan Rados

— Megan M.

I have spent years in therapy, but I feel this has been the actual start in my healing process. I’m not sure what was happening before, but this is the most awake, conscious, and clear-headed I have felt in a very long time. I can finally envision a life of true health and happiness for myself as long as I continue to prioritize my healing. I know I still have a long way to go on my journey, but my gosh, this was an incredible addition and wake up. It’s difficult for me to express the exact feeling I have for all of you, but extreme gratitude and admiration are a good start.

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Ivan Rados Ivan Rados


I attended the February 2022 Women's Flow Retreat and have a hard time finding the words to describe how life-changing the experience was. Through the brilliantly supportive guidance of Lana and Ivan, I finally faced a painful, ugly truth I have spent my life running away from. The level of freedom I now feel is breathtaking, nothing I experienced during years of traditional therapy. I now know what true peace in the present and hope for the future feels like, and it's brilliant

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